Wednesday 27 October 2010

Four days in


I'm here! Flight from hell from London to Singapore - chatty guy next to me, coughy guy behind me (surely it's not natural to cough for 12 hours and not die), two screaming toddlers to the left, and one of their brothers vomiting in the aisle three feet away. Then the accommoation had no record of me, meaning after 24 hours in transit I had to stand around for 45 minutes while they sorted it out.

And then there's the jetlag. First night fine but second night I woke up at 3 - and that was it. First day at work is a bit of a blur.

Luckily flat is good, right in the centre with views acoss the city (pic below), and nice Australian friends were on hand to welcome me and we had drinks by the river (the Yarra if you're interested) watching the sunset.

Work's good - but I won't be going into details on that as it wouldn't be very professional meaning I'll be keeping the posts focused on Aussie life sooooo what have I noticed. Well, with the current exchange rate it seems VERY expensive. My first weekly shop worked out at around £55. Now maybe that's normal for some of you but I don't usually spend more than about £30. And half a cider is around £2.50. For a half! Looking on the bright side, I'm earning Aussie dollars so assuming the exchange rate stays the same I'll be able to bring a bit of money back with me - unless I've spent it all on basics!

What else? Public transport is worse than London - when trains are late (which is always) they don't even bother explaining why or apologising. And there's a surprising number of bogans (as chavs are known here).

Things I haven't figured out yet? The coins. Whether you stand on the left or right on escalators. And which fabric softener to buy. So much to learn! But for now it's good on yer from me and hasta the next g'day.

Cliff Down Under

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