Tuesday 12 April 2011



No, I haven't discovered whatever it was Archimedes discovered when he shouted 'Eureka!' (something to do with water I think), but I have gone up the highest tower in the southern hemisphere to enjoy the view. Oh, and it's called the Eureka Tower, hence the rather strained opening paragraph of this post. Anyway, enjoy the pics!

Eureka Tower - 'Eureka' means 'I found it' but you'd have to be pretty thick not to be able to find this place. Most of it is flats but the top (the bit covered in real gold) has a viewing deck and a bar.

Floor 88, where you get out. Not sure why the shot is a bit blurry. Maybe excitement at being so high. Or lack of oxygen making me shake.
Sunset looking towards the LP office

Federation Sq, Flinders St train station and St Paul's Cathedral

Government House in the Botanic Gardens


The MCG cricket ground (top left) and other sporting venues. The spire thing is the Arts Centre. The long shadows are pretty cool

Albert Park (that's it with the lake - it's where they have the Grand Prix) and Port Philip Bay. My old house is just behind that white building centre right (which is the sports centre)

CBD skyscrapers

The Arts Centre and MCG lit up

Melbourne at night. The long yellow lights at the bottom are the platforms at Flinders St station

And that's all for now.


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