Thursday 30 June 2011

Wine, one woman, no song


We're currently in the depths of winter, but with 18 degrees and sun most days this week it's hardly Arctic conditions. So what better way to spend a Sunday than a day out? Lonely Planet has a new office opening in India and the new publisher is over in Melbourne at the moment. She fancied visiting Victoria's famous wine country, the Yarra Valley, and as I hadn't been, I said that I'd love to go along too. A great time was had by all (helped in no way by the wine tastings).
One man and his vegemite. Part of the day-trip was a stop in the Dandenong hills, east of Melbourne, and the chance to try Aussie specialities, like Vegemite and billy tea (normal tea, just cooked in something called a billy).

Lamingtons - sponge cake with a jam filling, coated in chocolate and sprinkled with coconut.
Sheema didn't look too impressed with her lamington and tea.

Puffing Billy - old steam train that chugs along through the hills with great views.

Vineyards don't look quite as attractive in winter.

Second wine tasting.

Full-bodied, mature, with hints of strawberry. And the wine was ok. Boom, boom!

The highlight of the day was the visit to the Moet & Chandon vineyard. They're famous for their champagne and this is their only winery in Australia (though they can't call it champagne here as to be called champagne it has to come from the Champagne region of France)

The process for making the wine was fascinating. It's stored in these barrels and then bottled.

Once in the bottles, yeast is added to soak up the extra sugar which turns to fizz. They're tilted on an angle and turned each day to stop the yeast settling, one quarter turn one way, then an eighth of the way back (called riddling - can't remember why)

At the end of the tour we had some cheese and wine and enjoyed the view of the Yarra Valley out of the windows before the drive back to Melbourne.
And that was that. If you're ever in Victoria and have an interest in wine, then definitely head for the Yarra Valley.

G'bye for now.


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