Monday 15 August 2011

A game of four quarters - and some culture


As seems to be my wont these days, I had another weekend consisting of a mix of sport and culture recently, including my first live footy match. Organised by a workmate, and attended by some of the most important people in the company, it was an interesting experience. Interesting because while I've become a big fan of Aussie Rules Football, I assumed that the mate who'd got us the tickets was a far bigger fan and, seeing as his team was playing, would be taking it very seriously. Oh no. We watched the first quarter in which the Blues (Carlton, my mate's team) had a tougher ride than had been expected from Melbourne (my boss's team). At the end of the first quarter we adjourned to the bar for what I expected to be a quick drink, but the second quarter started and we were still there - watching the game on a TV screen, even though it was happening for real just a minute's walk away. It wasn't until the last quarter, by which time Carlton had thoroughly trounced Melbourne, that we went to watch a bit more (at my instigation). Shame on you so-called footie fans! A Pom had to show you how to watch your game!
The 'boys' at the footy (why do I look drunk when I was the only one not drinking?). From right to left: me, Lachie, Jeremy, Big Boss Stephen, Biggest Boss Matt.
The players get ready for kick-off at the MCG.
Carlton about to score a goal (I think I should actually say 'kick' a goal)
Melbourne are on the ropes. Carlton win the game!
And then on Sunday I headed off with another workmate to Heide, on the outskirts of Melbourne. This was an artist's colony where famous Australian artists (Sidney Nolan was probably the most famous) lived and worked. The buildings were impressive and the grounds were nice. The art? It had its moments would be the nicest thing I could say.

Art in the garden.
Art in one of the buildings.

More art in one of the buildings (actually I quite liked this one. It's a digital picture, not a photo at all - what you can do with computers these days eh?)
And that's it for now. I have a few Aussie trips lined up before I leave so come back soon for pics and stories of Perth, the Whitsunday Islands and more!



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