Thursday 20 October 2011

G'bye Australia, hello Britain


So, my final post from Australia. It's been a busy few weeks, squeezing in last trips, finishing work, and seeing people before I go - fun and sad at the same time.

The last year has had plenty of highlights, the Australian people being top. The friendliness, sense of humour, and ability to enjoy life are enviable and infectious. And then there's Australia itself. With such a wide range of landscapes on offer it's hard to see everything, but I gave it my best shot and would have to say that the top spot for me was Tasmania.

Lowlights? Certainly. It's an expensive place to live. Winter is dull, dull, dull. The news is ridiculously Australia-centric. And whenever you order chips anywhere they serve them with aioli (garlic mayonnaise) - what's wrong with tomato sauce? Oh, and calling chips, chips, but also crisps, chips, is just plain confusing.

But the lowlights are far outweighed by the highlights and I hope, or should say know, that I'll be back as soon as I can.

I hope you've enjoyed reading the blog as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

G'bye Australia and thank you; hello Britain and be gentle.


1 comment:

  1. safe journey home lovely cliffie, we've missed you loads but have LOVED your blog!! see you soon xxxxxx
