Wednesday 2 February 2011

Food, glorious food!


No, still not in Tasmania but I went to the night session at the Queen Vic Market last night and had such a great time I needed to blog about it.

The joy of it is that along with the tourist tat and overpriced eco soaps and stuff they always sell, they also have dozens of food stalls selling just about everything you can think of - and lots more besides. They even had entertainment (of a kind - basically an old fellow singing The Girl From Ipanema badly while doffing his trilby to the ladies who walked past).

I consumed:
  • a Korean potato swirl (slices of fried potato on a skewer stick covered in a sauce of your choice)
  • Momo (Nepalese veggie dumplings)
  • Real Lemonade
  • Totones (fried plantain with cheese)
  • Something else but I can't remember
  • Tofu mixed with potato and egg
  • An Oreo cookie cupcake

Some of the stalls - paella was very popular (not with me though)

The cupcake stall - just look at them!
And that's definitely it for now. More when I'm back from Tassie.



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