Wednesday 5 January 2011

Happy New Year - and best street name ever

G'day and happy new year all

Hope yours were fun. Melbourne on NYE was sweltering in 40 degrees but it's cooled down a bit since then (around 30 today).

There were fireworks coming off the CBD (city centre) skyscrapers for midnight which was quite impressive (would have been more impressive if I'd been standing further away to gain the full effect rather than right in the middle and having to spin round constantly to see them all). Screaming French young people next to me and a group of Indian guys recreating a Bollywood dance routine all added to the atmosphere. The non-wash-offable curry stain on my hand and shirt from earlier in the evening didn't (seriously, I don't know what was in that curry but it must have been something toxic because my hand was still stained nearly two days later - and yes, I had washed in the meantime).

Next day I decided to follow one of the walking tours of Melbourne in Lonely Planet's guide to the city. The plan was to explore the 'famous' 'laneways' (backstreets) of my current home which are a hotbed of street art and cool bars and restaurants - apparently. Unfortunately, having chosen New Year's Day to do this walk meant that not only were a lot of the cafes etc closed but even some of the laneways themselves (who knew you could close an entire road?). And the street art was pretty rubbish (but then I do prefer Goya and El Greco). Anyway, it was still fun seeing different bits of Melbourne.

And talking of different bits of Melbourne I'll finish by putting in a link to what I think must be the best name for a thoroughfare in the world. I hope the link works!

More soon but g'bye for now.


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