Thursday 16 December 2010

The results from the UK jury are in


Very quick post to say I got my MA results. For those of you who have spent a year listening to me ramble on about it it will be a relief to know that it's all over now and that I got a distinction (meaning average marks over the five essays of 70+%). Am quite pleased and will think of some suitably Australian way to celebrate.

And rather than dampen the joy of this news by talking about my bowling yesterday (abysmally bad) I'll leave it there.




  1. Dear Lord Cliff,

    I thought I'd made a comment on this but it seems I haven't. Anyway, I cannot sufficiently say CONGRATULATIONS on your fantastic result.

    Yet somehow it's not a surprise that you got a distinction in half the time that ordinary mortals take to do an MA, and whilst working.

    Marvellous Cliffy,

    Hels x

  2. Congratulations, Cliffy, we would have expected nothing less from you. No, I mean it, I was petitioning the gang to erase you from their in-boxes if the distinction wasn't awarded. Well done, I know you worked really hard.

    Merry Christmas my dear, hope to see you in 2011!

    Liz xxx
